The past week or so has been filled with a series of what I'd like to fancy as interesting and introspective posts, but (and I think I've used this line on you before), my personal life's been getting a little too personal lately and I say inappropriate things in my head, and so all the contents of those posts will hopefully soon be relegated to paper in my pretentious hipster Moleskine journal. Aw yeah.
I'm embracing the hipster because lately I've been hanging out in Williamsburg so often that it would just be insulting to try to deny it any further. That being said, I'll defend myself once again: I'm not a hipster, I'm just a lesbian. Really. I'm thinking about writing an article about passing as straight only by passing as a hipster. I'll start it once I come up with a really clever, obscure title that I can use to judge people who don't understand it.
Anyway, now that I've clearly established that I'm in a psychotic state of mind (to Nina: "I love face tattoos because I hate having to wonder if someone is a psychopath."), the point of this post is basically just to have a post because I get a little bummed out when I go a long time without updating. So in going with the whole I'm-sequestered-away-from-my-people-but-I'm-stupidly-optimistic deal that's been taking over my brain this past semester, I present (in list form!) things the summer has taught me so far. Not all positive. Mostly in a weird middle ground, once again proving that I'm crazy.
This actually is probably going to end up looking like a series of mini posts compiled into one big post, and maybe one day I will actually end up turning some of these into their very own entries.
Hokay, let's begin!
In no particular order:
1. The most interesting people I know are all addicts.
We've all got addictive, hungry personalities, and we are all fucking crazy. Some of us are addicted to substance. Some of us are addicted to workworkwork or the internet or drama or the notion of glamour. Glamour the British way, obviously. We chase these things and cannot get enough and one addiction feeds the other, and goddammit, we're just all trying to get our fix of whatever and trying to figure out why we need it.
2. No, I would not like a receipt.
I don't check my ATM receipts. Ever. This is probably why I'm broke all the time/why my bank account sometimes ends up pretty far into the negatives. Or I think I'm broke. I wouldn't know, I don't check my ATM receipts. I'm not a compulsive shopper, but I pretty compulsively do not give a shit about what I'm buying. I don't even know what I've been buying. I think it's been food, because I certainly don't have anything to show for it. Also transportation costs FAR too much. Also you should really be allowed to withdraw less than $20 from ATMs. I was in line behind this guy, and dear lord, that thing just shot 20's at him. He doesn't just have $20 in his bank account, he has multiples of it. That's why he was in a suit.
3. I now have a favorite time of day, and that is 4-5 a.m.
This only counts if I've been up until this point, not if I'm waking up then. Making it to 4 a.m. means that you've been up entirely too late, probably doing something stupid or having the longest, most intense conversation of your life, or having the time of your life, OR everything you've put into your body has made your body angry, and now it won't let you sleep and, consequently, you are completing one of the above listed activities. Making it to 5 means you're officially nuts because now real people with real responsibilities are waking up to go to their real jobs, and there you are, still awake and fucked up from the night before. I love staying up through the night and day and then throwing yourself out into the streets at 11 a.m. where all the normal people are running around looking normal and stressed, and I'm just standing there all crazy-eyed with a RedBull in hand and a long letter to write.
I like buying RedBulls at 11 a.m. because it means that something weird happened. I feel liek people either buy them in the morning to get themselves going or at night to do the same (but with alcohol). If it's 11 a.m., you've already gotten yourself out of bed and to work/school. The hardest part is over. Why are you standing there looking crazy?
4. I've deemed this one to be inappropriate for interwebz.
Just know that I'm going through a detox, and my brain is like "what's serotonin?" and the subsequent crashing has pretty much led to the seemingly hopeless life-reevaluation that's been going on the past few days.
5. We don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck.
I actually, legitimately care about very little as of late. Not in the whole life-is-meaningless-I'm-16-and-wear-a-lot-of-eyeliner sort of way, but in the way that I realized that getting stressed and throwing fits over things just...doesn't matter. Oh, also we don't get in trouble for anything, and we don't get hit by cars. My friends and I shamelessly and flamboyantly throw caution into the wind and run through fountains and guess our way through traffic. Basically, I survived my week in DC, and that is a miracle.
Also, last night, while taking off a sweatshirt, I accidentally removed my entire shirt in front of a group of people that I really didn't know at all. It looks exactly like you're imagining it in your head. And actually, I'm fine with that.
6. Something I did not learn.
How to pronounce "creuller." Wow those donuts look great. I keep wanting to fucking order one whenever I go into Dunkin' Donuts, but I never. can. because I cannot pronounce it and am to shy and weird to try. So someone, please, either give me a phoenetic spelling or tell me that they taste like shit and not to waste my time. Thanks!
7. I still look really awkward flirting with girls.
Despite claiming this as one of my only few marketable skills, I'm still fucking weird. Great evidence of this is when, post-Santigold, a few friends and I were standing outside of DC9 smoking when I found a cute girl on the other side of some glass making eyes at me. I returned a shy smile, tried to be cute, then accidentally dropped my cigarette and chased it into the street like a small child chasing a ball. I did not see her inside.
8. Wow, I'm boring.
Last week I was at a used book store with Rachel, and after sifting through aisles and aisles of books filled with history, social commentary, and theory, I finally settled on this purchase:
It also makes me look at really tacky wall decorations like this and say stupid sarcastic things like, "Oh hey, I really like the way that size 18 Times New Roman font looks. Good job double spacing, really creative."
Sidenote: this really is the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. In addition to the really unrealstic waving that happens, it's basically a really awful poem about imperialism. Needless to say, I'm stealing it and putting it in my room next year.
9. I'm literate!
...or am I?
No, really, I've been reading, and it's exciting (this obviously only serves as an extension of #8)!
I like non-fiction (I wasn't kidding)!
I'm too lazy for descriptions, but check these out! (Descriptions will come eventually. I love parentheses).
Resist!: Essays Against a Homophobic Culture (Mona Oikawa, Dionne Falconer, Ann Decter, Rosamund Elwin)
The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession With Virginity Is Hurting Young Women (Jessica Valenti)
Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity (Matilda)
Call Me By Your Name (Andre Aciman)
QWAC is starting a book club this year, get pumped!
That's it for now. It's a list of 9, yeah. I'll have something interesting to say soon.
I never check my receipts either, and this usually means I don't have to worry about money but sometimes it means that I go 50 cents into overdraft and have to pay a $20 fee because I leave it for like a week. Fuck! Also, I found one type of ATM that lets me take out 10 NZD (which google tells me is 6.4 USD) and I was at it with my mum and she actually laughed in my face at the pathetic amount of money I was getting.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with 5. Late night "thinking about the universe" sessions lately have led to extreme realisations of how little so many things actually matter, and how irrelevant society really is.
Oh man, the shirt? I guess that's a pretty good icebreaker.
"creuller" - Cruhl, rhymes kind of with "mull", then er, as in "stir"
ReplyDelete1- I've played lesbian or hipster at Tegan & Sara concerts and it makes me mad crazy cuz I cant tell half the time...
ReplyDelete2- That book would be perfect for my Design Layout+ Typography class, want to lend it to me? ;)
I wish I had an obscure quote from an obscure lead singer of an obscure band for this post. But I'm at a loss.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm not at a loss for is your new found interest in Typography (not sure if that is the actually word for the study of type but whateves). Well executed font, type setting and spacing is almost as important to me as what is being said. Just thought I'd give you a kudos on that one.
PS- Trebuchet is my favourite font.
PPS- I fucking miss you.
PPPS- I'm sorry I don't have any blog posts. But you're inspiring me to start putting serious thought into making a draft.
katrina casino, i think it has happened. erica and i were in the city with saba and judged her visibly for not recognizing some really obscure fucking lyric, and it happened.
ReplyDeletei'd like to call us "dirty fucking hipsters."
and next time you go to brooklyn, let me know....i may already be there. (XIMENG REALLY LIKES IT OKAY)
luciaciacia - luckyluckylucky. i usually find out that i'm broke when my dad makes a subtle remark about how i should work more hours or my mom calls and is like "what the fuck are you doing?!" so basically i think i have no money now, but i'm not quite sure.
ReplyDeletealso i was about to suggest that we have late-night universe contemplation sessions, but then i realized that it would probably only be late-night for one of us. though i will be going to the philippines in like a week and a half! i don't know how much that changes, though. the other side of the world is a big place.
alex - thank you! that was actually what i had guessed, so i suppose a year and a half of french hasn't quite failed me. i ordered one the other day, though, and it was disappointing. i don't know how to feel about my life now.
elizabeth - omg that game is MADDENING, especially since those girls totally tend to be my type. i should probably stop hanging around hipster joints, since it seems like it could only break my gay hipster heart.
i also totally would lend you the book!
BUT i'm a total dumbass and left it in DC. laaame.
turner - TURNER! i finally started following you because, despite your username just being...your name, i couldn't find you. thanks for your shared interest though. i don't know where yours comes from, but for me, i think it's the fact that the mindset of laying out newspapers never left me. good times. i'm a fan of the entire century family. ALSO I MISS YOU LET'S ACTUALLY HANG OUT THIS YEAR.
carmyn - it's all happening! but no, i'm really going to call you (because i need to meet ximeng!). where do you hang out around there?
I'm going to Thailand/Vietnam on Sunday so we'll actually briefly be only 1 hour apart, although I am more likely to be eating/drinking excessively with my parents than late night contemplating. Weird!